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Diesel Generator 50EFOZCJ - 50 kW

Diesel Marine Generator 50EFOZCJ - 50 kW


Engine features:

- Engine is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier II compliant
- One-side serviceability of fuel system, lubrication system, and air cleaner
- PTO options: SAE C-splined 12- or 24-volt electric clutch

Generator features:

- Prime power rated
- Superior KOHLER Fast-Response X (TM) PMG generator ends
- Class H insulation
- 12-lead reconnectable alternator
- The generator complies with NEMA, IEEE, and ANSI standards for temperature rise.
- The alternator uses a permanent-magnet, Fast-Response(TM) excitation system.
- The alternator has a two-thirds pitch stator and skewed rotor.
- The Decision-Maker (R) 3500 controller incorporates a solid-state voltage regulator.
- The brushless, synchronous generator is broadrange and reconnectable.
- The windings are vacuum-impregnated with fungus-resistant epoxy varnish.
- The generator sustains short-circuit current up to 300% of the rated current for up to 10 seconds.




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