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JOHN DEERE original spare parts

John Deere was founded by a blacksmith named John Deere in 1837, builder of the first steel plow. The company then had many important changes over the years and since 1949 John Deere has designed and built over 5 million diesel engines. These engines are produced in various plants all over the world: Saran (France), Waterloo (USA), Torreon (Mexico), Pune (India) and Rosario (Argentina).


John Deere is a leader in the development of diesel engines worldwide, these are installed on construction machines, marine applications, agricultural and forestry machinery, air compressors, generators, motor pumps and on natural gas machines for road use.

La ditta Osma è distributrice sia dei motori completi John Deere sia di tutti i ricambi originali John Deere, fornendo anche i servizi di assistenza e manutenzione ai propri clienti.

Per eventuali informazioni riguardanti i nostri servizi e la disponibilità di ricambi originali John Deere il nostro staff è a vostra completa disposizione.


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