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Diesel Generator 32EOZD - 32 kW

Diesel Marine Generator 32EOZD - 32 kW 


Engine features:

- U.S. Marine EPA Tier 2

- Closed cooling sytem

- Heat exchanger
- One-side serviceability of fuel system, lubrication system,

  seawater pump, and air cleaner
- Oil drain valve and hose


Generator features:

- Remote start 12-pin connector
- Voltage regulation of ±1.0%
- Rotor and stator are coated with a high-bond epoxy varnish.

  Varnish helps prevent corrosion in high-humidity areas.
- Copper windings ensure minimal heat buildup. Insulation

  meets NEMA standards for class H insulation.
- Directly connected to the engine, the generator has

  sealed precision ball bearings with a precision-machined

  steel sleeve in the end bracket (or end bearing tolerance

  ring) to prevent shaft misalignment and extend bearing life.





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