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About Us

Osma, which was founded by Bruno Milan in 1981, represents a milestone in technical support and for distributing spare parts, which are made by some of the leading brand names in the manufacturing of diesel engines, and in the field of transmissions.

The business occupies an area of 5,000 m2 of which 1,600 is covered, and is dedicated to monitoring and servicing both engines and units. Over the years they have become incredibly popular with a number of both Italian and overseas clients.

Their vast experience in the field of diesel engines, being a specialist in injection systems, and their cutting edge electronic management systems have allowed them to become one of the finest and most suitably equipped workshops in the North East.




The staff consist of trained technicians who are consistently being brought up to date by attending theoretical and practical courses and internships staged at the parent companies who specialise in a form of electronics, which is characteristic of the new generation of diesel engines. High levels of professionalism and the resources at their disposal allow them to provide rapid and effective maintenance, alongside technical support. They possess a dynamometer for testing engines.

When it comes to testing and diagnostics, modern and complete workshop equipment offers the same quality standards, for both fuel injection systems and for electronic management systems made by the parent company. Levels of efficiency and compliance with the original power train parameters are analysed throughout the testing phase. This type of analysis merely serves to guarantee the engine’s efficiency levels over a period of time.

The technical support team provide a wide range of equipped vans, which are available for clients using industrial and marine engines. Our team will respond to every type of problem by providing joint support, which ensures maximum levels of professional preparation. We get involved with generators, boats, ships, and platforms.

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