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Engines series 2000


If unmatched performance in terms of speed, agility and safety are
— MTU Series 2000 combines best in class power-to-weight ratio with
effortless unfolding of power and bottom end torque.
— MTU Series 2000 combines industry leading safety features with the
durability and reliability of one of the most successful high performance
marine engines. Design and type approved by major classifi cation
societies and SOLAS make the difference of this engine in the yachting
— Designated marine design features enable this engine family to fulfi ll
high-performance marine requirements not compromising the powerto-
weight ratio.
— Tried, tested and proven for extreme conditions and operating requirements:
chosen by the most demanding maritime organizations, such as
coast guards, maritime search and rescue services, law enforcement
authorities, etc.
— The compact and outstanding design makes this engine family a real
focal point in the engine room of a high-performance yacht.

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